
Config file can be generated or created manually. It should contain all the following values.

  "graphql": {
    "feature-mole": {
      "url": ""
  "in": "./pages",
  "out": "./out",
  "websocketPort": 1416,
  "port": 8082


URL imports also work here. Of course you can still import relative modules.

  "graphql": {
    "feature-mole": {
      "url": ""
  "in": "./pages",
  "out": "./out",
  "websocketPort": 1416,
  "port": 8082

Config Injection

Config file is injected and typed. It is available only inside export default and export const head function to prevent leaking of secrets.

Usage in JS example:

const graphQLClient = Chain(ssg.config.HOST, {
  headers: {
    Authorization: `Bearer ${ssg.config.TOKEN}`,