To use purplehaze with React normally export a component as a default function consuming data function result. You can also return React component from head function

import React from '';
import { htmlContent } from './ssg/markdown';
import { Layout } from './Layout';
import { routes } from './markdownRoutes';
import { renderMarkdown } from './mdtransform';

export default (data: DataType) => {
  return (
    <Layout prefix={data.prefix} routes={data.routes}>
        className="prose prose-lg"
          __html: renderMarkdown.render(data.content.content),

export const data = () => {
  return {
    content: htmlContent['markdown/'],
    routes: routes(htmlContent),
    prefix: ssg.envs.PATH_PREFIX,

export const head = () => {
  return (
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="./tw.css" />
      <title>Purple haze docs</title>

type DataType = ReturnType<typeof data>;